Friday, May 15, 2009

Keep it Simple

Whenever I come across a blog or article that is environmental and controversial in some way, the comments become more interesting than the source.  More times then not a full blown war breaks out between the lefties and the righties.  Most of the time, I forget what the origins of the argument was in the first place.  One time in particular, and I don't remember the article, someone commented about the Left Wing propaganda machine backing the Climate Change Movement.  He went on to write that New York wasn't under water yet and polar bars weren't extinct.  People responded with, once New York was under water would be a good time to start worrying about the situation.  This evolved into a political debate and so on and so forth.  

The problem is for every person that gives evidence that climate change is a serious problem, someone else gives evidence that it is not.  So I have been putting together a few really simple scenarios, a super basic way to look at all kinds of different controversial opinions and some not so controversial.  Tell me what you think.

If you are locked inside your garage with a running car, what will happen?  Keeping it as simple as possible, you will die!  The car will kill you.  How could you prevent this?  Shut off the car.  If it is a good thing to shut off your car in a garage, how could it not be a good thing to shut that same car off whenever possible out in the rest of the world.  The gasses coming from the car will kill you.

If you had a glass of water and made a cocktail of pesticide, fertilizer and herbicide, then drank this cocktail, what would happen?  You would become very ill and possible die, especial if you had one of this drinks everyday.  How could you avoid this outcome?  Don't mix these chemicals into your water.  How could it not be a good thing to keep these chemicals away from our water sources?

If you threw all your trash into one garbage pail in your home, and never emptied that trash can, what would happen.  Your home would fill with garbage.  How can you stop or at least slow this down?  By not throwing so much stuff into the garbage pile.  You could make an effort to bring less packaging into your home in the first place, or recycle or reuse what you can.  We only have one home, earth, and all our garbage has to go somewhere.  How could it not be a good thing to reduce, however you do it, the amount of trash that we throw away.

If you had a tree in your yard, and you cut down that tree and turned it into paper products, once you used up your paper products where will you get more?  You could change this to your own oil well, water source, etc.  So how could it be a bad thing to limit your usage of these resources, recycle what you do us, and reuse whenever possible.

I know it's not as easy and straight forward as that, but those are my thoughts.


  1. LOL. So mind-blowingly simple, isn't it?

    BTW - the paper - you would plant a tree to replace the one you had cut down ;-)

  2. Planting a tree is a good idea. How long until you can have a new batch of paper products. 25 years? 50 years?
